9Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Im much much happier!!! Gosh everything seems to be going beta tis days....Jamie wrote a fantastic post about me on her blog,became frens wth tis girl whom i really care about n more on...
Everyone go read Jamie's post dated Saturday,September 24....Hahah ok so well it kinda makes me feel good but watever she says dere is true!We gossip,shop n make jokes like hell!I seriously have no idea wat i wud do if she just left my life....She knows all my secrets n is de first person i wud turn 2 if i have a girl or general prob...Although she is ALWAYS late,i can know for a fact tat wen she DOES come it will be filled wth loads of laughter n fun...Oh Jamie i can never be as vain as you.:) Jamie Jamie Jamie(3times!)Tat was for you
Im friends with her again...I mean it was bound to happen sooner or later....We talked about our new partners n all...Im jus happy tat we arent fighting or giving de cold shoulder anymore....Im happy for you Brenda...:)
Aight i gotta go.....Study la idiots!
9Sunday, September 25, 2005
Im totally hurt...Wat i need to do now is to comfort her n start everything afresh..Im sorry but im not gonna let de motherfucker get away with tis shit...Gonna plan de perfect plan n den attack..Tis kind of ppl only a beating will wake them up...
9Thursday, September 22, 2005
20 people you can think of right off your head
How did you meet 13?
Frens fren...haha yea
What would you do if you never met 5?
Den i would never have known true frenship..
What do you honestly think of 10?
Hot tennis player pls!!!!!!!!:P
Have you ever liked no.3?
Shes my best fren!Of course i like her!
If 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would like to do?
Jus die also..
Would 2 and 11 make a good couple?
Ha considering they r both tennis pros i guess so..Not counting de fact tat they r both guys..
Do you think 12 is hot?
Funny n hot la...All the damn hot girls tink so..Bastard
Would 1 and 17 make a lovely couple?
Fuck no..Number 1 is mine.
Tell me something about 11.
My 31buddy..First person to see me in de morning..Great fren.
Do you know any of 3's family members?
Yes..Considering i went to her place..Met everyone..Even de maid!
On a scale of 1-10 how cute is 14?
What would you do if 4 just professed their undying love for you?
Profess my undying love for him.
Who is 8 going out with?
Single at de moment rite?
Would 18 and 5 make a good couple?
Yes i wud think so..
When was the last time you talked to 6?
Jus only..haha
Does 4 have any siblings?
Oh yes!One hot sister...:)
Would you ever date 1?
hahahahahhahahaa!Im dating her now...
Would you ever date 7?
Oh hell no!
Is 15 single?
Jus recently..Sorry bro..
what is 19s last name?
What is 3's middle name?
Anastasia rite?:)
What school does 16 go to?
Ngee Ann Poly(Mass Comm)
how is 2 ?
Not too well cause both our results are pretty similar n we both screwed up..But best frens la...Go to his hse in fucking far Clementi all..
9Wednesday, September 21, 2005
My hair is fucking short................Thanks to Mr Wong(Form Teacher)
Mr Wong: Ah brendon ah...Hair growing long ah..PLS cut ah boy..Pls
Brendon :Wahlau sir!Come on man!Where got long?!(Clearly my hair is
touching my ears)
Mr Wong:Boy jus do it ah...Principal catch wont look good on me ah boy..
Brendon:Ahhh ok will do la sir...
Noticed he loves to use de word "boy" n "ah"...At de end of the sentence sure will have "ah" one...haha..kk sch as per normal tmr..ciao
9Monday, September 19, 2005
My mum killed me wen i came back last nite cause for de past 3nights i'd been staying over at Liz's...I kept telling her i was at Dereks cause his parents were away n tat i wanted to study n play...Mum is still one of de coolest ppl ard la!
So anyways i had loads of fun at her place...I mean i actually studied dere!Well we did alot of things..Too many to write out...Gosh shes de cutest thingy alive..Besides lauryn-kate tat is...So anyways decided to go to de St Mikes Church Funfair which was very random..Boy I havent gone to tat church in over 2mnths...Anyways i saw ppl!I cant say wat ppl thot of ppl but boy was it funny to hear it from them..The people i wanted to see de most was my sp n selene but i came too late for sheena had gone home but i saw SELENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Woooweeeee!!!!!Ha i miss her like helllllllllllll! It jus goes to show how much ive missed her.....
Prelims are almost over...Jus one more paper tmr n den its prob a few days rest before i start studying agian..Ok i gotta go cut my freaking hair cause its considered too long for my form teacher...Nb...
9Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Woo Liz came back on Tues!Made my way down to de airport to pick her up...Forgot her flight number so i just guessed n it turned out correct!Yipee...Ha ms hottie here was wearin tis super hot n short white skirt.......DIED....SO anyways she bought me a gift!You noe de new Hugo Boss advertisment,Energise?She bought tat for me!Freaking expensive ah but ha its nice so yay!
Alright i wud say my prelims are going alright for de subjects tat i studied for...Gosh i gotta buck up...So Liz's parents are going off to the US for hols(yes again!)n so im gonna stay over!Ha prob tmr nite...Teach me some maths....Okay i gotta go sleep...Tired hell
9Monday, September 12, 2005
Okay my prelims started today..All de main papers..S.s was pretty ok n so im expecting to pass tat..Gonna study for de rest soon!
So u noe bout de course im attending every Sat?Well im starting to make loads of frens n we are slowly becoming closer..They are all still very shy about ppl of de opposite sex so im trying to bridge tat gap..Its somehow working so Yay!But seriously its really fun hanging ard em..Well my group are really a bunch a slackers..Nadia is de cute girl who loves sweets!Lynn is de future "Ah lian" who all the guys are in love with.Shawn n Nicholas are de same.n Wee kit who is de youngest n most hardworking..We are currently 500points behind de 2nd last grp..Ha life is wonderful..
Liz is coming back tmr!!!!!!!!!!!YAY YAY YAY!I thought i wouldnt miss her but after she left on Friday,i really died!I miss her like hell..Argh!Anyways im gonna pick her up from de airport tmr n most prob stay over to study cause her parents arent back yet!
9Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Woooo!Been having loads of fun!Ive been catching up wth ppl n jus having fun wth everyone...
So the gig at Risen Christ on Sat sooo kicked ass!Wahlau nicholas n jude so good!De St Pats ppl made sure Nick got all de "support" he needed...Alright ive got some pics i wanna show u all but tats another time...Went out wth Liz on Sun...Lets jus say we had fun...Too long of a list..
Monday was Novena time(Shine Mary Shine)..Im sorry but Shep n I were hungry so we left abit earlier..Chicken rice was like freaking expensive la..So after everything we said goodbye to my church frens n Julie's sch frens n den went to Tp to play some pool..Shep,Ash,Julie n me!So we had once again fun..Once again i have pics which will be shown on another day...
So Liz is going back on Friday for a short holiday...Dont worry we shall spend time in de morning k...I love tis girl to bits la
9Friday, September 02, 2005
Alright so life has been so so...I will have loads to talk about tmr so yea till den...So i gotta finish up some homework from de course i told u ppl about....Sigh
I have n MUST go out with Jamie soon...Im suffering from my lack of boohoo-ness(?!) Ok so yea soon alright jamie soon...
Liz i tink u can call me now...Cause i miss u like hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Forget bout our usual 10pm chat!Call me now!!!
This terrible headache is killing me.
Xabi Alonso
Michael Carrick
Not having a girlfren